These poems have been generated by translating random sequences of kanjis (which respect the superficial haiku form). They make no sense in their original form: it is the translator which infuses them with meaning, by earnestly trying to convey their content in english, in a valid and coherent fashion, although no coherent content is present in the first place. You might understand these as wholly english works inspired by complete misunderstanding and straightforward misdirection. Indeed, translation is art.

図示 ずし師事 しじ
さい 吐き出す はきだす
縮める ちぢめる

grasping and illustrating the teacher's talent and then spitting it out and shrinking it down foolishly

へん遅々 ちち
才能 さいのう
認可 にんか

The world is a slow and talented place.

地肌 じはだ
自国 じこく 後日 ごじつ
期日 きじつ

The child's skin is foolish and the child's date of birth is small.

負荷 ふか雅致 がち
飾り かざり 過度 かど
保する ほする

Loaded with elegance, pattern and ornamentation, the buds are excessive and can be maintained.

倍加 ばいか
直営 ちょくえい

Double the number of words

無難 ぶなん
終える おえる に依る による
蹴る ける

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

加担 かたん
めん じゅん
為さる なさる

The difference between the two is that the two are not the same.

呼ぶ よぶ愚痴 ぐち
所持 しょじ 毎に ごとに
華麗 かれい

The history of the word "foolishness" is called "every time you possess a word".

に依ると によると
ぼん忠実 まめ多岐 たき
ゆか 地味 じみ

The degree of the word is often used to describe a wide range of floor space and a variety of foolishness.

不可 ふか簿記 ぼき
不可 ふか 相似 そうじ
吊る つるいき

The word is not a word, it is a word that is not a word.

不定 ふじょう
つえ毎に ごとに
自棄 やけ 餓死 がし

every word is a figure of speech, every word is an illustration of desperation, every word is a child starving to death.

有利 ゆうり
大屋 おおや 方位 ほうい
至難 しなん

advantageous ground, great house, directional position, queen's most difficult position

帰依 きえ未知 みち
廃止 はいし 保する ほする
新た あらた

The new position of the family that is to be abolished and maintained

負う おう
やく大学 だいがく
海路 かいろ

The word "yu" means "to bear" and "university" means "to be in mourning".

適確 てっかく
やま極秘 ごくひ
飽きる あきる

Aptitude and accuracy, the mountain child, top-secret and other, bored with it, the bud