
The Griumph X

A triumph. A great triumph. The Griumph!

Welcome to the marshy plains.

Feel the gross air on your face.

Bootstrap Themes

There is no handle.

There is absolutely NO HANDLE on the Griumph X. We have received a distressing amount of hate mail regarding what some percieve as being a handle on the Griumph X. We assert again that the Griumph possesses the following: mouth, eyes, motherboard, plastic casing, dreams; and none of the following: gloves, antennas, risk-taking inclinations, HANDLE.

Bootstrap Themes

With actual human eyes.

Eyes that perceive pain deep within the soul. Eyes that hurt too sometimes, and require companionship, touch, arms to embrace. But eyes that judge, in direct connection with the Lord. Your actions are known; your deeds are weighted; when the mandolin plays: beckon its sound.

Stare at me

And I'll stare back.

Love me

And perhaps I'll feel love.

A secret third thing

Creatures without eyes can also cry.




  • Cries often
  • Hides
  • Taunts cats
  • Email support



  • May have osteoporosis
  • 10 GB of storage
  • Makes clinking sounds
  • Prowls at night



  • Devours lesser Griumphs
  • Has heard many a tale
  • Cries very rarely
  • Help center access

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Skittish Craven Dominatus
Sings sad ballads
Hacks foes' devices
Consoles you
Crimps leaves