a generative langage/app, with word-lists already provided. I still need to find a better name.dictionnaire de rimes
French rhyme finder, using data from the historical Littré
recipes website (in french)Neolocutions
mixes lemmas of the type 'x of y'Célébrités
Liste de gens connus pour s'inspirer au 'qui suis-je?'Cool domains
Helps you find clever domain names that end in a TLD,
(for example)
Bootstrap silliness.list browser
Lists are fun. See below.mots.html
Mots qui me plaisentexpressions.html
de même, expressionsProverbes du Littré
Liste de proverbes contenus dans le dictionnaire de Littrélivres
Books I want to getpromotional renders for pre-prints
Some Blender stuff I did to make the paper announcements more livelyMore ways to leave your lover
generates lyrics in the form of the chorus of 50 ways to leave your loverSad cards
The most pathetic TCG you ever saw-
poorly translated haikus
using deepl to create meaning from randomness